Avatar movements and Flying objects

Last week I was looking at shadows and fog separately afterwards I created a sketch that had both in. This week I’ve been working on the mechanics of the game. I’ve designed it here so that the cube obstacles generate from a distance and move along the z axis. When they go behind the camera they Reset(); I implemented this using if statements. 

Next, I added rotation along the x axis so that they roll as they come towards you. I created an avatar that moved up, down, left, right but I ended up constraining it to just left and right (with if statements) to make the game more playable.  I also added collision detection, so I can start interacting with my objects. I also added another type of objects (red cubes) that my game can interact with I figured one kind to damage health the other to heal it. The grid you can see in the pictures is an axis helper a useful tool when working in 3D you can find out more about it here: https://threejs.org/docs/#api/en/helpers/AxesHelper 

Boxs on plane

Using the axis helper; flying objects

Collision detection screen

Collision detection screen